“Pilgrim Reflections” - “The Day That Changed the World”

December 07, 2022

“A day that will live in infamy.”

Such were the words of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to a joint session of Congress the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. And, some 81 years later, they still ring true.

But, since that time, there have been other days that could be added to that list (e.g., Timothy’s bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995; the terrorists attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001, etc.).

And, in many ways, there have been many other events since then that have changed the world in one way or another (e.g., the COVID pandemic in 2020).

Yet, in reality, none of these—none of these—have ever changed the course-of-history like that which happened a little over 2,000 years ago when “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).

Yes, no event before (or since) has ever impacted the world like the Birth of Jesus that Night in Bethlehem. And, for many years, history was even divided into B.C. and A.D. (“Before Christ” and “In the year of our Lord”) because of His Coming.

Prior to His Birth, the world languished in spiritual darkness. . .because of Adam and Eve’s sin. . .and their descendants following their lead. . .so much so that God was ready to obliterate that which He’d made (Genesis 6:5-7).

But, just when He was ready to undo what He’d done, “Noah found Grace in the Eyes of the LORD” (Gen. 6:8). And, from that day on until Jesus’ Birth in Bethlehem, various individuals continued looking to Him in Faith—being His lights in a world of darkness.

People like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Ruth, Esther, David, the prophets, etc. But, they were “lesser lights” of that “Great Light which should shine in darkness to those who walk in darkness and dwell in the Land of the Shadow of Death” (Isaiah 9:2).

And, Who would be that “Great Light?”

John tells us: it’d be Jesus, the Baby Who was born in Bethlehem (Jn. 1:4-9).

Yes, that Night. . .while all the world slept. . .the One of Whom Isaiah prophesied (Is. 7:14; 9:6-7; 53:1-12; 61:1-3). . .was born. . .and things have never been the same since.

From His Birth until His Death, He was/is “despised and rejected of men—a Man of Sorrows, well-acquainted with grief” (Is. 53:3). And until today, there are those who continue to lambaste and despise Him (and those who believe in Him): even as He said they would (John 15:18-25).

But, that’s okay: for to us who believe, “He is precious” (I Peter 2:7).

Yes, He is God’s “Most Precious Christmas Gift:” for He is perfect, priceless, peerless and practical. He is perfect—for He lived a sinless Life. He is priceless—because He is God’s Son and “most precious Treasure in pots of clay” (II Corinthians 4:7).

Likewise, He is peerless—because He’s one-of-a-kind, God’s “only-begotten Son.” And, He is practical—for only He can “cleanse one conscience of guilt and sin (dead works) so He can serve the living God” and have “Hope as the sure-and-steadfast Anchor of the soul” (Hebrews 6:18-20; 9:14).

That’s why Christmas Night—whether it happened on December 25 or sometime in September—is “The Day That Changed the World.”

And, when Christ enters one’s heart “by Grace through Faith” (Ephesians 2:8-9), He also changes one’s life: giving Life where there’s death. . .Light where there’s darkness. . .and Love where there’s loneliness and despair.

Yes, for 62+ years I’ve been a follower of this history-changing, life-changing One named Jesus. For 54+ years I’ve shared the Christ-Story with folks all over the world. And, so long as the Lord gives me breath, I’ll continue to do so: even in columns like this.

Here’s hoping you’ve accepted God’s “Most Precious Christmas Gift” and will share Him with someone today. In reality, that’s why we’re here—and what makes Christmas the most wonderful time of the year.

(NOTE: If you’d like to contact Bro. Tom or receive his daily e-mail devotional, entitled “Morning Manna,” you can write him at P.O. Box 614, Mulberry, AR 72947 or e-mail him at pressingon@hotmail.com).