Solar Eclipse 2024: Free Presentation at the Stuttgart Public Library!
The Stuttgart Public Library will host a free solar eclipse presentation by the Central Arkansas Astronomical Society on Tuesday, March 19th, at 10:30 a.m.
Learn about the history of eclipses in Arkansas, why an eclipse occurs, and what to expect during the total solar eclipse coming to Arkansas on April 8th, 2024. Most importantly learn how to safely view an eclipse.
Come and meet the Eclipse Team. Presenters are:
· Carl Freyaldenhoven, a retired science teacher who has seen seven solar eclipses in his lifetime.
· Darcy Howard, a retired science illustrator with a special interest in eclipses and solar astronomy.
Both are NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassadors.
No registration needed.
The library will begin giving away solar eclipse glasses starting on March 19th until the eclipse on April 8th. Glasses will be available for pick up at the Circulation Desk while supplies last.
For more information, contact Library Manager Estella Dudman at (870) 673-1966 or visit the library website
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