Grand Prairie Quilt Society April Meeting

May 01, 2024

Grand Prairie Quilt Society met Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at the First Christian Church. Due to the power outage, we sat outside under the awning and enjoyed the balmy April morning. Shelley opened the meeting with the Thought for the Day with a poster:

STABLE Syndrome:






Many of us say we can't die yet, we have too many projects left undone. The March minutes and treasurer's reports were given. Eight members have paid their 2024 dues.

Old Business: we are still working on the comfort quilts for children in distress.

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Marsha had the quilt top that she is making for the Disciples Women retreat in September.

The meeting was adjourned but as we were taking the chairs inside, the lights came on, YEAH!! so we continued our visiting by looking at Glenda's 90th Birthday Memory book.

The next meeting will be May 8th at the First Christian Church, for a Sit 'n Sew....Bring your projects and your lunch and join us.